Friday, October 15, 2010

Week Tes Grid Material

Bahan Week test utk Grade 8:
1. Cell Absolute
2. Cell Semi Absolute
3. Cell Relative
4. Excel Environment
5. Intro to Excel

Bahan Week Test Utk Grade 9:
Special for Grade 9,please download files, on Monday August 16, 2010

Bahan Week Test Utk Grade 7:
For Gade 7, please download this file : The Grid

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just For Grade 9 Student's

This time is for you grade 9 students of GPS...
I give you these files for preparation your week at 23 August 2010
These are files:
1. HTML Powerpoint file
2. Insert picture to web
3. Insert text to web
4. Scrolling text (Marquee)
5. Membuat Tabel
6. Numbering List / Bulleted List
7. Document Structure
8. Membuat Hyperlink

For Grade 8 of Junior High in Field Trip Project

I Give you this material for your preparation your week test
at 23rd of August 2010. This is the material:

Material Week Test

From Your Teacher with love

Saturday, July 31, 2010

For Grade 7

For Grade 7. I give you three file to be downloaded.
1. Introduction to Computer
2. Hardware
3. Software
4. Brainware
5. ICT
6. Dampak Negatif ICT
7. Network & Internet

Please download for your week test preparation

From Your Teacher

Mr. Glory Naat

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Grid for Practical Test

Practical will start from next week. Material for practical test for grade 8 are:
1. Publisher
2. Excel
a. SumIf
b. Nested If with three case

Prep. for yourself... Example material already published on this blog with title "Assignment for Grade 8 in Techno Investor"

Good Luck...

Warmly Kiss...

Gloryanto Naat

Monday, May 10, 2010

bahan weektest

Bahan Week Test ICT

1. SumIF dan CountIF
2. Text
3. Tabel Kebenaran
4. IF sederhana (tanpa Nested)


SumIF dan CountIF
1. Default rumusnya
2. Contoh

1. Misal GLOBAL ______________ LO
a. Text-nya GLOBAL
b. Tulis fungsinya untuk menghasilkan teks LO

Tabel Kebenaran
1. Tulis Tabel Kebenaran AND dan OR
2. Pelajari Pernyataan-pernyataan jika yang ditanya AND dan OR. Bagaimana hasilnya.

IF Sederhana
1. Default IF
2. Lihat dengan hati-hati kasus yang diberikan jangan sampai salah
3. Jika kasus ada beberapa tetaplah pada jalur bagaimana menulisnya.
4. Perhatikan apa yang harus ditulis pada logical test dan perhatikan juga hasil yang akan dikeluarkan.

Jika kalian ingin mendownload filenya, silahkan download file ini

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kisi UAS

For My Lovely Grade 8 Student's

I give you info about our the grid (kisi-kisi for UAS grade 8
Please download this file : Grid for grade 8

Please read it and learn it for your best score in ICT

Warmly kiss from your teacher..

Mr. Glory

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Especially for grade 8 students

I give you one key to success on your ICT week test. Please see Assignment for grade 8 in techno Investor title to prepare your week test. See on third until fifth assignment.

God Bless You....

Love from your teacher...

Gloryanto Naat.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

For Grade 9 Students

I give one file to you. Please prepare for UAS...
this is your file : Preparation File

Adding info :
1. New Material
2. Latihan soal
3. Database material

Love from your teacher


Assignment for Grade 8 in Techno Investor

These are your assignment file.. don't waste your time...
1. First Assignment
2. Second Assignment

3. Third Assignment
4. Fourth Assignment
5. Fifth Assignment
6. Sixth Assignment
7. About Text
8. Eighth Assignment
9. Nineth Assignment (Nested IF Function)
10. Nested IF
11. Nested IF (3)

Love from your teacher


Friday, February 5, 2010

Kisi-kisi PraUAS

Hi guys....How are you today?
I wanna give information that our PRA-US will be held on Monday, so you must prepared for this, right?
Please download these file, one for the grid (Kisi-kisi) one for guidance e-book.
1. The Grid
2. Guidance e-book

All intellectual improvement arises from leisure. Press On....

Saturday, January 30, 2010

And for You grade 8 students especially Grade 8C and 8D...Please download these file to prepare your week test...
1. ebook Techno Biography
2. Plagiarism and Piracy
3. Plagiarism and Piracy 2
4. Discussion Power point

Please prepared for your week test...and I remind you that all question in English

God bless your forever... Press On....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Material for week test

For Grade 9 Students of GPS please download these file, to prepare your
Week test and PraUAS and UAS...:
1. HTML Project
2. Insert your font to web
3. Insert your picture to your web
4. Scrolling text
5. Document Structure
6. Paragraph
7. Hyperlink